Hi! My name is Garrett Gagnon, and I'm a musician, sound designer, and sound engineer living in Southern California. I’m from Kalamazoo, Michigan, and I started playing music at a young age. I formed a liking for recording and sound engineering when I was a young teenager. Theatre also ran in the family, so I started performing as soon as I could, and continued performing on stage until I was about 19. When I stopped performing on stage, I side-stepped into theatrical sound design, which combined the two creative endeavors I had been invested in.
At Western Michigan University, I studied music, composition and audio engineering. I directed the WMU Broncords, an a cappella group, and started working at a few recording studios nearby. After graduation, I continued in that vein for a few years, while also working as Sound Designer for a few local theatres, and teaching a few classes at WMU. I moved out to California in 2018 to pursue an MFA in Sound Design at the University of California, Irvine. I received my MFA in June of 2021.
Though grad school was busy, I was still been able to work on a few music recording projects while working toward my degree. In the studio, I primarily work in classical and jazz, though I also absolutely love doing vocal work as well - a cappella and barbershop are two of my favorite styles.
I stay in the Sound Design world by doing a few theatre shows each year, and I work in corporate audio for a large share of my remaining time.
When I do have down time, I love to spend it cooking or baking, playing piano or drums, or video games like Minecraft, Fortnite, and Diablo.